Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Aggregate Supply

February 19, 2016

Aggregate supply
·             The level of Real GDP (GDPr) that firms will produce at each price level (PL)

Long-run V. short-run
·             Long-run
-period of time where input prices are completely flexible and adjust to changes in the price level
-In the long-run the level of real GDP supplied independent of the price-level
·             Short-run
-period of time where input prices are sticky and not adjust to change in the price level
-In the short-run, the level of real GDP supplied is directly related to the price level.

Long-run aggregate supply (LRAS)
·             The long-run aggregate supply or LRAS marks the level of full employment in the economy (analogous to PPC)
Because input prices are completely flexible in the long-run, changes in price do not change firms real profits and therefore do not change firms level of output. LRAS is vertical at economy’s level of full employment
Changes in SRAS
·             Increase in SRAS is seen as a right shift
·             Decrease in SRAS is to the left
·             SRAS is per unit cost of production

·             Per-unit production cost= total input cost/ total output

1 comment:

  1. I like how you highlight important things to know with certain topics, especially with what LRAS looks like. One of the most interesting aspects of LRAS was its relation to the PPC. I wonder if there are more functions in the future that have similarities to what we've already learned.
