Friday, March 4, 2016

Fiscal Policy

February 29, 2016

Fiscal policy

  • Expansionary and contractionary policy deficits and surpluses built-in-stabality
What it does:

  • changes in the expenditures or tax revenues of the federal government
-2 tools of fiscal policy

  1. Taxes- government can increase or decrease taxes
  2. spending- government can increase or decrease spending
Deficits, surpluses, and dept

  • Balanced budget
-revenues = expenditures

  • Budget deficit
-revenues < expenditures

  • Budget surplus
-revenues > expenditures

  • Government debt
-sum of all deficits- sum of all surpluses
  • government must borrow money when it runs a budget deficit
  • government borrows from
-financial institutions
-foreign entities or foreign
Fiscal policies two options
  • Discretionary fiscal policy (action)
  • Expansionary fiscal policy: think deficit
  • Contractionary fiscal policy: think surplus
  • Non- Discretionary fiscal policy ( no action)

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