Sunday, April 3, 2016

unit 4: Reserve Requirement

March 21, 2016

I. Reserve requirement
-only a small percent of your deposit is in the safe. The rest of your money has been loaned out.
-The FED sets the amount that banks must hold.
-The reserve requirement is the % of deposits that banks must hold in reserve and not loan out.

  1. If there's a recession we should decrease reserve ratio.
-banks held less money and have more excess reserves
-banks create more money by loaning out excess

-money supply increases interest rates fall, AD goes up

  2. If there's inflation increase in RR
-banks hold more money and have less ER
-banks create less money
-money supply decreases, interest rates goes up, AD goes down

II. Discount rate
-the interest rate that the FED charges commercial banks.
-To increase the MS, the FED should decrease the discount rate.
- To decrease the MS, the FED should increase the discount rate.

III. Open market operations
-The FED buys/sells government bonds (securities)
- This is the most important and widely used monetary policy.
-To increase the MS, the FED should buy government securities.
- To decrease the MS, the FED should sell government securities.

1 comment:

  1. Your notes over the three tools of monetary policy is very informative. You should separate the Expansionary and Contractionary policy so that we can have a clear picture of what's really happening. But did you also know that expansionary is called easy money and Contractionary is also called easy money?
